This public forum is open for everyone to read. Customers gain additional privileges to post and interact (e.g., reply, react, vote, and more).
The official language of this public forum is English. When posting, please use the English language. Should you speak a different language, kindly provide an English translation (Google Translate can be of help) for everyone to understand.
Use this forum for your suggestions on how we can improve the economic or commercial aspects of licensing our catalog of royalty-free music.
In your communications, please follow our Terms and Rules:
If your suggestion contains sensitive information, let us know and we will contact you in private.
We are looking forward to your suggestions!
The official language of this public forum is English. When posting, please use the English language. Should you speak a different language, kindly provide an English translation (Google Translate can be of help) for everyone to understand.
Use this forum for your suggestions on how we can improve the economic or commercial aspects of licensing our catalog of royalty-free music.
In your communications, please follow our Terms and Rules:

We are looking forward to your suggestions!